Objects old, vintage, hand made or upcyled, and old techniques with a modern twist


This lovely wooden box of letter (and number) stamps was a lucky find at a car boot sale last year- the set only cost 50 pence and didn’t appear to have even been used!


So far I have only used the stamps to label a couple of Christmas gift tags, so hope to come up with a few more uses for them, starting with a spot of printing on fabric.

One advantage of only having my current craft stash to use this year (see my crafty New Year’s Resolution for 2016) is that I have started taking a good look at what I already have, rather than being distracted by shiny new purchases. I have actually felt a little uncomfortable coming across a few lovely items (like this one) that I have hardly used, and hope that I will be able to rectify this over the coming year.


I’m looking forward to stamping my mark on some new projects…!

Comments on: "Monday Mood Board- Some Lonely, Unloved Stamps…" (2)

  1. How neat! I love finding little purchases like that. And I also find things in my craft stash that are embarassingly unused… So I can relate!

    Liked by 1 person

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